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  • Proposed Development at SunnyLea

Here are 2 members' reports on the meeting re the proposed development at SunnyLea.

Comments from the Meeting (Ken Sloan)

I along with 3 GB councillors, a couple of local real estate agents & approx 20 interested local  cottage &

other residents. Cliff the owner of the Sunny Lea property for the past 2 ye & the primary party in this

development proposal along with his local planning consultant answered every question brought forth

in what appeared to be a forthright manner. Both parties emphasized that although much study &

planning work had been done, the project was not yet at the detailed stage necessary to bring it forward

to Georgian Bay council (GB). Although there were maps & other documents suggesting some degree of

study had been done (see attached) and approx. $200,000 had so far been spent, my take is that this get

together was primarily intended as a friendly "meet & greet" opportunity to have interested local

stakeholders meet with the development team & throw out whatever questions & comments were on

their respective minds and for Cliff (the developer) & his team to possibly gauge local opinion before

moving any further forward. My key takeaway was that this development is still at a very early stage

with issues like docks, boats, waterfront  & condo specs., etc. not yet on the drawing board for public

consumption. Cliff did however say that 4 stories was necessary for the project to be viable & whatever

the township will eventually think of that would be pure speculation at this stage.

I have requested copies of the 4 planning studies apparently completed (environmental impact,

archeological assessment, functional servicing & storm water management, traffic impact) & will pass

whatever I receive on to all of you. Certainly whether the current sewage plant could handle the needs

of this project was something that was on the minds of myself & many of the attendees. Think the

bottom line on that question & most other concerns has yet to be known ?

From my own perspective as a Little Lake/Gloucester Pool cottager since 1986, I believe since both the

province along with both GB & Tay townships have earmarked the greater Port Severn area for both

residential & commercial expansion for some time now, this sort of development will surely come in the

very near future. If all the required ducks are eventually in order, I personally think this development

would be a positive addition to the Port Severn area.

Comments from the meeting (Marilyn Taylor)

Sunnylea proposed construction of 65 condo units.

It appears that this was an initial “testing the waters” meeting with the community. I believe they put out invitations to local business owners and nearby residents only. But of course word spread beyond those invited and the upper room of Driftwood’s clubhouse was packed.

They had 1 of the owners there who did a lot of the initial description of the project plans and there was a planner who spoke on those kinds of details.

We know from Judith Pacey, the next door neighbour, that they have approached them and are proposing to purchase their property.

It should be noted that this project is only in the proposal stages at this time. I believe once they complete an application to the township that the specifics of this proposal will be clearer. A lot of the questions they were asked about the looks of the building and specifics of the units, they could not answer directly, but at this fact finding meeting they noted the thoughts and ideas from the crowd and said they would look into these things.

There will be a request to amend the Official plan from a max of 3 storey units to 4 storey. (I understand our existing fire department can only manage a max of 3 storey units.)

They are very much just going by the building codes and township rules for the proposal. For example, the parking ratio per unit will not exceed the township minimum which is 1.5 per unit. They did say that that they may request it to be lowered to 1.2. The parking would be at the road side of the building and that there may be some under the first floor level.

Dockage will be out front, but they were much less sure about how much docking there will be. I understand that boat/trailer storage will have to be off site at a marina or storage facility at the owners cost.

They said there would be a variety of sizes of units, from 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, and up to 2 bedroom 2 bathroom and possibly larger in square feet accordingly. There will be a pool, which will be grandfathered from the existing one. He didn’t know pricing of the units, as it’s too early to assess that, but he did answer one person saying the smallest would be $500,000 ish.

They were also asked about environmentally friendly finishes etc. and he said he would but understanding that the more that is added increases the cost of each unit. Once the units are sufficiently sold there will be a “Condo Group” formed from the owners and a monthly fee for the grounds upkeep etc. As well, they were asked about pre-selling, and he indicated that the local residents would be informed first before general sales began. Locals would be given preference, before outsiders, is what I understood.

The septic and water is supplied by the township, which is in place already.

As far as an increase in traffic and pedestrian traffic, he didn’t think there would be much change. The main change would be that there would be steadier traffic throughout the year.

Sharon from Christie’s was elated to hear about this project. She wants to see more people living year round in the area, which will help her business (that is currently, so “dead” in the winter). I do believe that most of the attendees were in agreement here.

Kristian Graziano, Brian Bocheck, Peter Koetsier were there and Kristian asked about what they proposed to add to the area infrastructure, which is customary for large building projects to contribute parks, sidewalks, etc. They said it was too early to know, but would be considered.

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