Local Townships
The GPCA home area is served by 2 townships/municipalities. The area north of the Severn River is Muskoka (Georgian Bay Township) and the land south of the Severn River is Simcoe County (Severn Township). The township/County line goes down the middle of the lake, bending around islands.
Georgian Bay Township
What this means for you as a Short Term Renter
- 2 people per guest room
- 1 parking space required per guest room
- Dock required for water access properties
- Copy of STR registration must be visible
- Guest log must be maintained and updated
- Notices of Emergency Response Times must be posted
- Class ABC Fire extinguisher must be present and up to date
- The owner or their agent must be present within 60 mins of an issue arising
Short Term Rentals must register
What this means for you as a concerned resident
Severn Township
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