The GPCA was formed in 1918 as a result of increased awareness of cottage security. Dues that year were $1.00. Our dues are now $40.00 per year, and members receive so much more:
Social events for the members and their families
Communication in the form of regular emails
A beautiful magazine published each spring
Educational sessions such a fire pump demonstrations, Wye Marsh bird rescue
Awareness of newsworthy issues in the area
1 Ticket on our members only draw is included when purchasing your membership.
A small group of Directors plan and make these events happen. We welcome more volunteers at any time!
In the late 1960's, the Bush family donated land for the association to use, and a community hall was built. The hall had fallen into a state of disrepair. 2018 marked the year that we started to repair the hall and restore many activities to this hall.
Join our group and help us to make our lake a better place to live and play.