Have you noticed a large amount of defoliation (widespread loss of leaves) on your trees this year? This may be caused by a non-native, invasive insect, the European Gypsy Moth. We have experienced an outbreak of Gypsy Moths in 2019 and 2020 in the Severn Sound area which poses a significant threat to our trees.
If you haven’t already, check out SSEA’s video on Gypsy Moth life cycle and management options. From now until April, we can help protect our trees from Gypsy Moth infestations by scraping egg masses.
The Invasive Species Centre and Eastern Ontario Model Forest are calling on all cottagers to help reduce the abundance of Gypsy Moths by scraping one egg mass at a time! They are hosting a European Gypsy Moth Egg Scraping Contest with prizes to promote monitoring and removal of egg masses. The contest rules are posted here.
Make sure to check out SSEA's egg mass scraping tutorial on YouTube.
If you have any questions regarding Gypsy Moth or other invasive species, you are welcome to contact Tamara Brincat, our Invasive Species Program Coordinator at invasivespecies@severnsound.ca.
We are providing these additional links as helpful info for you.
Thinking of Spraying next year?