Gloucester Pool cottagers' ASSOCIATION1 Nicholson's Road, R.R. 1 Port Severn On L0K1S0 |
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 2025 is the Year of the Dock! Our docks need replacing. We have quotes on the replacement. Our fundraising is just short of our goal. Please consider helping us reach our goal. ABOUt GPCA Gloucester Pool Cottagers' Association has been in existence since 1918 and currently has an active membership of 400+ families consisting of both seasonal and permanent residents, on Little Lake, Gloucester Pool, Baxter Lake and MacLean Lake. The GPCA is the voice of its members regarding political, social and environmental concerns. We support FOCA (Federation of Ontario Cottagers) and have an active Lake Steward program. We keep our members advised by issuing a quarterly newsletter, posting on our Facebook and Instagram accounts, plus providing regular email updates. Where is Gloucester Pool?Gloucester Pool begins at Lock 45 in Port Severn and runs North East through Little Lake carrying on through Little Chute to the Big Chute Marine Railway. The lake is 13 kilometers long and is home to at least 20 islands. Little Lake is separated from Gloucester Pool by a channel called the Narrows. The Pool is the last major body of water on the Trent Severn Waterway before Georgian Bay. Facilities:The Association has a community hall in Burrows Bay for event use. It is water access only and has ample docking space. Each year we hold a members draw. This year the draw has been held just prior to the Family Fun Day. We also run a Photo Contest with our members submitting some fabulous pictures. Members must be logged in to view the pictures. | Georgian Bay Township Severn Township Fire Rating Update on Floating Accommodations Info -Sheet on White's Falls Dam Replacement
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